Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lesson 3: A Basic Walk Cycle

The basic walk cycle of a character has four main components: Contact, Recoil, Passing, and High-point. 

The Contact is the starting point of the action. In the walk cycle, the Contact refers to the initial moment that the foot touches the ground.

The Recoil is the natural reaction to the Contact. Just like the Couch in the jump cycle, the recoil creates a tension in the body. The pattern of tension-and-release is how movement is created.
The Passing component is pretty self-explanatory. In this component, one leg passes in front of the other.

The High-point component entails the leg moving to it's highest point before beginning its descent back to the ground. 

Finally, when the foot comes back down to the ground, the body is back in the Contact position, though with the other foot. The body goes through the cycle again, but with the other foot. 

This is what the full walk cycle looks like. Make note of the Contact-Recoil-Passing-High Point cycle. 

ACTIVITY ONE: Creating a walk cycle 

Based on the character you designed in Lessons 1 & 2 as well as the diagram above, draw a similar cycle for your own character. Take note that the first Contact and the last Contact frame are exactly the same pose. This means that you only need to actually draw it once. In total, you should have eight drawings of your characters. 

If your character is too complicated, why don't you try drawing a walking cycle with a stick figure first! Good luck! 

** All images are copyright their respective owners and are used here for educational purposes.